Thursday, March 10, 2022

Azure Series - Virtual Machines - Desired State Configuration - Create and Use

 This article provides a step-by-step guide for doing the most common tasks with Azure Automation State Configuration, such as creating, importing, and compiling configurations, enabling machines to manage, and viewing reports.


  1. An Azure Automation account
  2. An Azure Resource Manager VM (not Classic) running a supported operating system.

Step 1 : Create DSC Configuration

  1. Start VSCode.
  2. Type following text:
configuration MyTestConfig
    Node IsWebServer
        WindowsFeature IIS
            Ensure               = 'Present'
            Name                 = 'Web-Server'
            IncludeAllSubFeature = $true

    Node NotWebServer
        WindowsFeature IIS
            Ensure               = 'Absent'
            Name                 = 'Web-Server'
  1. Save the file as MyTestConfig.ps1.

Step 2: Import configuration into Azure Automation.

  1. Browse to Azure Portal, Automation Account Page.
  2. select State configuration (DSC) under Configuration Management
  3. On the State configuration (DSC) page, click the Configurations tab, then click Add
  4. Specify the configuration file created in step 1 and give appropriate name.

Step 3: Compile a configuration in Azure Automation

  1. Browse to Azure Portal, Automation Account Page.
  2. select State configuration (DSC) under Configuration Management
  3. On the State configuration (DSC) page, click the Configurations tab, then click Configuration created in step 2.
  4. Then click compile button to start compiling.

Step 4: Enable an ARM VM for management with State Configuration

  1. Browse to Azure Portal, Automation Account Page.
  2. select State configuration (DSC) under Configuration Management
  3. On the State configuration (DSC) page, select the Nodes tab, then click Add.
  4. On the Virtual Machines pane, select your VM.
  5. On the Virtual machine detail pane, click + Connect.
  6. On the Registration page, select the name of the node configuration to apply to the VM in the Node configuration name field.
    Note: Drop down will display all nodes from the file created in step 1.
  7. Check Reboot Node if Needed, then click OK.

The node configuration you specified is applied to the VM at intervals specified by the value provided for Configuration Mode Frequency. The VM checks for updates to the node configuration at intervals specified by the Refresh Frequency value.

Step 5: View manage nodes reports

  1. Browse to Azure Portal, Automation Account Page.
  2. select State configuration (DSC) under Configuration Management
  3. On the State configuration (DSC) page, select the Nodes tab.
  4. click the node record to open the reporting.

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Azure Series - Desired State Configuration Introduction

 As Azure developers, one of the critical challenges we face is maintaining consistency and ensuring that our cloud infrastructure and resources are configured correctly across various environments. Azure Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a powerful platform feature that addresses this challenge by allowing us to define and enforce the desired state of Azure resources. In this article, we will explore the concept of Azure DSC, its benefits, and how developers can leverage it to manage infrastructure efficiently.

Understanding Azure Desired State Configuration (DSC):

Azure Desired State Configuration is a declarative platform feature in Azure that enables developers to define the desired configuration of Azure resources using PowerShell, PowerShell DSC, or ARM (Azure Resource Manager) templates. Rather than manually configuring resources, DSC allows us to declare what the end state should look like, and Azure handles the process of ensuring that the current state aligns with the desired state.

Key Benefits of Azure DSC for Developers:

  1. Consistency: DSC helps maintain consistent configurations across different environments, such as development, testing, and production, reducing the chances of configuration drift and potential issues.

  2. Automation: With DSC, developers can automate the configuration process, eliminating the need for manual setup and reducing human errors.

  3. Scalability: DSC is scalable, making it ideal for managing configurations of large-scale applications and resource deployments.

  4. Reusability: DSC configurations can be saved as templates, allowing developers to reuse them across multiple projects and resources.

  5. Version Control: DSC configurations can be stored in version control systems, ensuring a history of changes and facilitating collaboration within development teams.

How Azure Developers Can Leverage Azure DSC:

  1. Writing DSC Configurations:
    Developers can create DSC configurations using PowerShell DSC scripts or ARM templates. These configurations define the desired state of Azure resources, such as VM settings, networking, and security configurations.

  2. Applying DSC Configurations:
    Once the DSC configurations are defined, developers can apply them to target resources. This can be done through Azure Automation or by integrating DSC with Azure Resource Manager templates during resource deployment.

  3. Monitoring and Compliance:
    Azure DSC provides monitoring capabilities to track the status of resources and ensure they adhere to the desired state. Developers can verify compliance and make adjustments as needed to keep resources in the desired configuration.

  4. Integration with CI/CD Pipelines:
    Developers can incorporate DSC configurations into their CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipelines to automate the deployment and management of Azure resources.

Azure Desired State Configuration is a valuable tool for Azure developers to maintain consistency, automate infrastructure management, and ensure compliance across Azure resources. By embracing DSC, developers can focus on delivering applications and features while relying on Azure to handle the complexities of maintaining the desired state. With its scalability, reusability, and automation capabilities, Azure DSC becomes an essential part of the development process, making it easier to manage complex cloud environments and achieve seamless deployments.

Next Step: How to create and use DSC configuration